All posts on the ApeCBD forums are the responsibility of the members who posted them. We will always attempt to remove any inappropriate content from the site as soon as possible, but given the size of the site it's not practical for everything to be specifically reviewed. We rely to a significant extent on reports from members to flag up any instances of rule-breaking and this is a key way in which you can help us out.
If you find a post in our Forums that you feel is in violation of our Community Guidelines, we encourage you to report the post so that our moderators can review the content.
Any inappropriate threads or posts can be reported by clicking on the post report button at the top-right of the post:
Please enter a short message explaining the reason for your report to help us to respond appropriately:
Administrator Report 1
All posts on the ApeCBD forums are the responsibility of the members who posted them. We will always attempt to remove any inappropriate content from the site as soon as possible, but given the size of the site it's not practical for everything to be specifically reviewed. We rely to a significant extent on reports from members to flag up any instances of rule-breaking and this is a key way in which you can help us out.
If you find a post in our Forums that you feel is in violation of our Community Guidelines, we encourage you to report the post so that our moderators can review the content.
Any inappropriate threads or posts can be reported by clicking on the post report button at the top-right of the post:
Please enter a short message explaining the reason for your report to help us to respond appropriately: